Castro Valley Veterans Memorial
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-Adding Veterans Names to the CVVM-
Workers from Bras & Mattos Monument, Co.
during the engraving installation of more
names on the CVVM Veterans Monoliths.
Castro Valley Community Park
Castro Valley, CA
Tuesday, 22 October 2013


- 3rd Annual Travis Amsbaugh Bocce Ball Tournament -
1. Travis' Mother (Minda) & Step Father (Craig).
2. Photo of the veterans and supporters playing.   
3. Michael L. Emerson attending the tournament. 
Adobe Park, Castro Valley
Saturday, 22 June 2013.


-American Legion National Magazine Article-
Article & Photos of various Memorials that
Michael L. Emerson has been and is a part of the
designing and building of around the Country.
Michael is an American Legion life member.
May 2013 issue


-Veterans of Foreign Wars National Magazine Article-
Photo with caption of the Castro Valley Veterans
Memorial that Michael L. Emerson designed and built,
which was dedicated on Veteran's Day, 11 Nov 2012.
Michael is an Veterans of Foreign Wars life member.
May 2013 issue


-Adding New Paver Names to the CVVM-
Worker from Bras & Mattos Monument, Co.
during the engraving installation of more
names on the CVVM concrete brick pavers.
Castro Valley Community Park
Castro Valley, CA
2 May 2013


-Adding New Names to the CVVM-
Michael L. Emerson (Designer and Build Mgr.)
and workers from Bras & Mattos Monument, Co.
during the installation of more veteran's names
on the CVVM military branch monoliths.
Castro Valley Community Park
Castro Valley, CA
17 & 18 April 2013


- Disabled American Veterans (DAV) at CVVM -
Photo of local DAV members at the CVVM around
the bench that the DAV donated $1,000 to name.
Front left: Mickey Ganitch, Navy-Pearl Harbor Survivor, WWII.
Front right: Corbit Ray, Marine-Silver Star, Korean War.
Starting left to right on top: Rick Perkins, Navy-Vietnam
War. Michael L. Emerson (Designer and Build Mgr. of
the CVVM), Marine-Desert Storm/Gulf War. Bill Rodgers,
Army-Vietnam War. John Skally, Marine-Vietnam War,
Purple Heart.  This photo and caption was in the
March/April 2013 DAV National Magazine.
Castro Valley Community Park
Castro Valley, CA


- Veterans of Foreign Wars Newspaper for CVVM -
Photos and article about the CVVM dedication in the
Dept of "The California Veteran" VFW newspaper.
Feb/Mar/Apr 2013 issue.
Castro Valley Community Park
Castro Valley, CA


-American Legionnaire newspaper for CVVM-
Photo and article about the CVVM dedication in the
Dept of California American Legionnaire newspaper.
December 2012 issue
Castro Valley, CA


-AMVETS National magazine about CVVM-
Photo and caption about the CVVM dedication in the
American Veterans (AMVETS) National magazine.
AMVETS donated $1,000 for a bench at the CVVM.
Fall 2012 issue.
Castro Valley Community Park
Castro Valley, CA


- Dedication of the CVVM -
Michael L. Emerson (Designer and Build Mgr.)
and the other 6 members of the Build Committee
holding the Dedication of the Castro Valley
Veterans Memorial. John McPartland was our MC
We had about 2,000 people attend, the
weather was perfect, ceremony was great
Veterans Day - Sunday, 11 Nov 2012
Castro Valley Community Park
Castro Valley, CA


- CVVM Dedication Dinner -
Veterans of VFW Post 9601, other
veterans and civilians celebrating
the completion of the CVVM and
its dedication tomorrow.
Photos also include presentation
of Thank You certificates.
Saturday, 10 Nov 2012.
Castro Valley Moose Lodge.
Castro Valley, CA


- Installing the CVVM Flag Pole -
Brian Morrison and his crew with
Designer Michael L. Emerson
installing the Memorial's Flag Pole.
on Monday, 5 Nov 2012.
Castro Valley Community Park.
Castro Valley, CA


- Installing the CVVM Granite -
First Row: Installing the granite pedestals
on Monday, 29 Oct 2012.
Second Row: Installing the granite benches
on Tuesday, 30 Oct 2012.
Last Four Rows: Installing the granite
monoliths, Flag Pedestal, and Statues
on Saturday, 3 Nov 2012.
Castro Valley Community Park.
Castro Valley, CA


- Engraving of Flag Pole Pedestal -
#1-Designer & Build Mgr Michael L. Emerson
and the engraved Flag Pole Pedestal.
#2-List of Castro Valley Native KIA names
on one side of the Flag Pole Pedestal.
#3-Three of the six service stones being worked on.
At the engraving site in Hayward, California
Tuesday, 23 Oct 2012


- The CVVM Landscaping Completed -
Nick Emerson (Michael's son) and
Mary Greenlee visiting and looking over
the prep and landscaping of the CVVM site.
Castro Valley, CA
Saturday, 20 Oct 2012


- Drilling Flag Pole Holes -
Randy Roschewski of Concrete Wall Sawing.
Donating his labor to drill 10 holes into the
top of the Memorial's retaining wall to hold
flag poles during future events.
Castro Valley, CA
Wednesday, 10 Oct 2012


- CVVM Billboards -
The 2 Memorial billboards just after
installation in downtown Castro Valley.
Photo #3 with veterans Michael L. Emerson
and Bill Rogers.
Castro Valley, CA
Thursday, 4 Oct 2012


- Installation of Brick Pavers -
#1-Mon, 1 Oct. preping the pavers for the install.
#2, 3, 4, 5-Wed, 3 Oct. volunteers installing the pavers.
#6-CVVM Committee presenting thank you certificates.
Labor donated by Mike Emerson Masonry.
Castro Valley, California
Wednesday, 1 & 3 Oct 2012


- More Granite Engraving -
#1-Little boy statue and carver Danilo Espiritu.
#2-Michael with the front of the Marine Corps Stone.
#3-Front of the Air Force Stone and artist Danilo.
Bras & Mattos Monument Co.
Hayward, California
Thursday, 27 Sept 2012


- More Granite Engraving -
#1-Front of the Army Service Stone.
#2-Michael with the back of the Army Stone.
#3-Front of the Navy Service Stone.
Bras & Mattos Monument Co.
Hayward, California
Friday, 21 Sept 2012


- More Granite Engraving -
#1-Bob Mattos & Michael L. Emerson
with the front of the entry stone.
#2-The little boy statue almost done.
#3-The front of the Navy Service Stone
with the Navy Seal painted on in color.
Bras & Mattos Monument Co.
Hayward, California
Tuesday, 18 Sept 2012


- Granite Engraving -
#1-Travis Amsbaugh's granite image with his family.
#2-Owen & Erma Smith and his granite image.
#3-Owen & Erma Smith and the little boy statue.
#4,5,6-Michael and some of the granite engraving.
Bras & Mattos Monument Co.
Hayward, California
Monday, 10 Sept 2012.


- Installing Landscaping & Trees -
Photo of Gary Pacheco of Pacheco
Brothers supervising the donated
landscaping work from his company.
Photos of CVVM tree installation.
Castro Valley, CA
Week of 20 Aug 2012


- Going over CVVM Engraving Designs -
Jim Watkins - CAD Design, Michael L. Emerson -
Memorial's Designer & Project Build Mgr. and
Bob Mattos - Owner of Stone Engraving Co.
Bras & Mattos in Hayward, CA.
Also photos of the cut and polished
CVVM granite ready to be engraved.
Hayward, CA
Sunday, 19 August 2012


- Website Editing Volunteer -
Air Force veteran Ken O'Donnell the
owner of KO Websites in Castro Valley
at the CVVM site. Ken volunteers to
support and edit our website.
Castro Valley Community Park
Monday, 30 July 2012


- Re-Fencing the Memorial Site -
Re-positioning the safety and security
fencing for the site so the new
parking lot and walkway can be used.
Castro Valley Community Park
Wednesday, 25 July 2012.


- Backfill Site & Painting Parking Lot -
Workers backfilling the site, painting the new
parking lot, and removing the bushes.
Castro Valley Community Park
Monday, 23 July 2012.


- $25,000 Donor Owen Smith -
Owen & Erma Smith meeting with Michael
to go over and confirm the wording and
design for the back of the little boy statue.
Castro Valley, California
Saturday, 21 July 2012.


- The CVVM Parking Lot -
The Memorial Pad and Parking Lot
are near completion.
Castro Valley Community Park
Friday, 20 July 2012.


- The Final Concrete Pour -
Pour the concrete for the walkway
and curbs at the site.
Veterans watching the work.
Castro Valley Community Park
Wednesday, 18 July 2012.


- Walkway & Curb Prep -
#1-Larry, Michael, Byron and Kurt at the site.
#2-Silicon Valley Paving workers.
#3-Larry Lepore of HARD and parking lot prep.
Castro Valley Community Park
Tuesday, 17 July 2012.


- The ADA Parking Lot Demo -
The beginning of the fifth week of construction.
Removing the old parking lot so it can be
replaced to ADA standards (handicap parking).
Castro Valley Community Park.
Monday, 16 July 2012.


- Views of the Memorial & Walkway Prep -
Victor Lopez (Contractor) & Michael L. Emerson (Designer) discussing the Memorial build.
The contractors preparing the walkway.
Castro Valley Community Park
Friday, 13 July 2012.


- The Fourth Pour, the Star -
Victor Lopez (picture #5) and his crew
putting in the concrete Star.
Adding the dark gray Star to the center of
the Memorial, VFW members watching.
Castro Valley Community Park
12 July 2012.


- The Third Pour, the outside of the Star -
Michael L. Emerson and the concrete workers.
Michael dropping in a CVVM & VFW Post coin
into the concrete around the flag pole.
Victor Lopez and his crew working the concrete.
Castro Valley Community Park
11 July 2012.


- The Memorial Pad & Star Setup -
The fourth week of construction.
Setting up to pour the concrete for
the Memorial's Pad and center Star.
Castro Valley Community Park.
Tuesday, 10 July 2012.


- 2nd Annual Travis Amsbaugh
Bocce Ball Tournament -

Veterans (#1), Travis' family (#2) and the
Winners (#3) of the tournament.
Adobe Park, Castro Valley
Saturday, 7 July 2012.


- After the Second Pour -
The concrete retaining wall,
Castro Valley Community Park
Week of 2-6 July 2012.


- The Retaining Wall Second Pour -
The third week of construction.
Setting up and pouring the concrete
for the Memorial's retaining wall.
Castro Valley Community Park
Monday, 2 July 2012.


- The Second Week of Construction -
Building the retaining wall supports and
preparing for the 2nd concrete pour.
Castro Valley Community Park
Week of 24-30 June 2012.


- The First Concrete Pour -
Beginning of the second week of
construction. Pouring the concrete
footing for the Memorial's retaining wall.
Castro Valley Community Park
Monday, 25 June 2012.


- The CVVM Build Begins -
On first day of Spring the CVVM
contractors begin the Memorial Pad
and ADA Parking Lot construction.
Castro Valley Community Park
Wednesday, 20 June 2012.


- Pre-Construction Meeting -
CVVM Committee members and most
of the Build Contractors at the Memorial
site going over the build schedule
for the CVVM.
Castro Valley Community Park.
19 June 2012.


- General Contractor Meeting -
All 7 members of the Castro Valley
Veterans Memorial Committee
meeting with Project Mgr. Forrest Williams
of Silicon Valley Paving (SVP), to discuss
and sign the contract making SVP the
General Contractor for the CVVM.
At the CV Moose Lodge.
Castro Valley, CA
14 June 2012.


- Donation to the CVVM -
Lt Col Charlene "Charlie" Lee, veteran of the
Navy & Army, presenting a $1,000 donation check
to VFW Post 9601 for the Castro Valley Veterans
Memorial during the monthly Post meeting.
Castro Valley, CA.
12 June 2012.


- CVVM Site Tree & Stump Removal -
Removal of 2 small trees and 4 stumps at
the CVVM site. They will be replaced with
7 new trees when the Memorial is built.
Castro Valley Community Park
Wednesday, 16 May 2012


- Castro Valley Rowell Ranch Parade -
Local VFW & American Legion veterans
during the Rowell Ranch Rodeo Parade.
The veterans were the Grand Marshals
of the Parade and were advertising the
Castro Valley Veterans Memorial.
Saturday, 12 May 2012.


- CVVM Concrete Demolition Donation -
Sean Birch & Sergio Gonzalez of
Team Cal-West Concrete Cutting, Inc.
with Jim Uhlik, Jeff Moore and the Memorial's Designer/Builder
Michael L. Emerson removing the
concrete walkway and curb.
Castro Valley Community Park
Friday, 20 April 2012.


- CVVM Committee Signing Granite Contract -
Memorial Designer & Builder Michael L. Emerson
and Committee member Jeff Wede with
Bob Mattos, of Bras & Mattos Monument Co.
signing the contract to have them supply
the Granite and Bricks for the Memorial.
Hayward, CA
Thursday, 5 April 2012.


- CVVM Committee Meeting -
The Castro Valley Veterans Memorial
Committee meeting discussing the
donation and quote contracts.
Jeff Wede's home in Castro Valley, CA
7 March 2012.


- CVVM Ground Breaking Ceremony -
Local Veterans, Dignitaries, and Citizens
at the Memorial site during the Ground Breaking
Ceremony at the Castro Valley Community Park.
A beautiful day with 237 people in attendance.
Castro Valley Community Park
Saturday, 3 March 2012.


Michael L. Emerson's Official Website � Copyright 2011-. All rights reserved.